Introduction To Hacking...

               Now-a-days people are getting more and more addicted to digital screens . They are having several physical as well as mental problems . More than all this problems people are facing severe problems like violation of privacy . All this problems occurs due to lack of awareness in people, to overcome such problems government is arranging various events to exhort people and give them proper knowledge.
               Some people having technical knowledge takes advantage of people's lack of awareness and gets access to their various social media handles not only that they also do online financial frauds.
The person who does such illegal actions is known as hacker.
               Basically a hacker is a person who gets unauthorized access to victim's data.
               Hacking is not an art its a combination of skill , knowledge , creativity and dedication. For hacking hackers learns how the system works which is they are going to hack. They explores bugs and vulnerabilities in one's system and takes advantage of it.
               So for now you know what's hacking and whom to called a hacker.
               Based on the activities they perform hackers are classified into 3 groups.

  1. Black Hat Hackers
  1. White Hat Hackers
  1. Grey Hat Hackers

Black Hat Hackers

               Black Hat Hackers gains access of one's system and uses it for their personal advantage sometimes they cause harm to victim. In simple language this type of hackers are DEVILS. This hackers are also known as 'CRACKERS'. Usually they workout solo but if they workout in group they could be most dangerous , by working in group they hacks banks , crash websites and even steal credit card's details.

White Hat Hackers

               This type of hackers are usually good type hackers . They doesn't use their knowledge and skill to harm anyone . They do pentesting of a system . They protects people from hacking . In simple language this type of hackers are ANGELS. This hackers are also known as 'ETHICAL HACKERS'.They are specifically anti-virus group members . They finds the bugs and flaws in system and software and reports to the owner of software and helps them to fix the bugs .

Grey Hat Hackers

               This category of hackers contains both good as well as bad hackers . They could harm you as well as help you . Most of the hackers are included in this category .
We work in the dark

 We do what we can 
We give what we have
 Our doubt is our passion,
 and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art. 
-- Henry James


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