Crack Instagram Passwords Using Instainsane

Nowadays , Instagram is one of the most widely used social media applications. I am pretty confident that at least one of your friends or you are using it pretty much every day. Today I am going to show you how you can crack your friend's Instagram password using a script called Instainsane.


Step 1:- Download Instainsane

Unfortunately, Instainsane is not available built in Kali distribution, so we will have to download it from github.

Now, we need to install it. Go to the directory where you cloned the github repository and run the "" bash script.

kali > cd <path to directory>
kali > chmod +x
kali > ./

Step 2:- Crack That Password!

Finally the time to crack your friend's password is came . The only thing we are going to need now is your friend's Instagram username and you could also prepare a wordlist or try with a default one which is actually preferable to use.

Note:- The longer and bigger the wordlist, the slower the cracking process. This is due to the way the script handles files, so a big dictionary like rockyou.txt isn't advised.

Start by running the Instainsane script. You will need to be in the directory where you cloned it.

kali > ./

Note:- Depending on your terminal settings or due to a bug in the script, the printing might be cut a little (like on my terminal), but for the most part you should be fine.

Now you will be asked for the username that you wish to crack the password of. Enter desired username. To give you an example I have created an account to test the script on.

Next, you will be prompted to set a wordlist. Just press enter here or if you want to use different one, just specify the path to it.

If you are facing the same problem that text being cut bug, you won't be able to see the ports, but you don't need them anyway. For those of you who want to know them they are: 9051, 9052, 9053, 9054 and 9055.

After the connection has been established the cracking process will begin.

To tell  you how Instainsane works , it creates a connection using the TOR network as Instagram only allows for 10 login attempts per IP to the same account. Using this way Instainsane switches IPs through TOR after every 10 guesses to allow the cracking process. And to increase the speed of this process the script creates multiple threads.

Step 3:-Success

If the password of that account is in the wordlist . This tool will crack it . But you will have to keep enough patience . That’s it .

Now you have your friend's Instagram password! How cool is that?!

Note:- There is a bug in the script and due to that bug it sometimes finds the password but don’t stop the process, so you will see more and more passwords being tested. The script pauses for a few seconds automatically after every 100 guesses, so keep an eye out for the password.

Note:- Also when you find the right password your friend would be told that a suspicious login was attempted. As of now there is no way of getting rid of this, so sorry .  

Note:- If Instainsane fails to crack the password, try another wordlist.

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  1. You clearly toldtjat there is a bug in the script so that even though it finds the password it won't stop process. So what we can do to clear the bug

    1. If you are familiar to scripting then modify the script
      Hope this will help you

  2. i tried to crack my id and in the word list i have submited my exact password but it doesn't work it on trying and stop after 1052/1051 trying pass


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